
Create music using musical theory. Discover essential songwriting tips to compose music and create songs. This GPT can produce chord progressions, musical notes, song lyrics, soundtracks and album covers.

ExtendMusic.AI | Extend your music with generative AI
ExtendMusic.AI | Extend your music with generative AIAmplify your music with ExtendMusic.AI's innovative AI technology. Upload your music and let our AI generate inspiring pieces that enrich your sound. An excellent tool for music creators looking to enhance and extend their original compositions.

Music creation from text prompts that is copyright free (.wav, .mp3, stems & MIDI) powered by CassetteAI. This GPT is your Copilot for Music Creation with AI.

Turn your ideas, emotions, images, and websites into captivating songs with Sunoify, your personal AI musician.

Advanced AI Assistant & MusicGen Guide: Unleashing Creativity and Efficiency in Radio and Music Production with Sound Effects