Heyday AI: Heyday - Personal AI Copilot

Heyday AI: Heyday is an AI copilot that transforms your documents, notes, and conversations into quotes, shareable content, and a queryable database.

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Heyday - Personal AI Copilot


What is Heyday?

Heyday is a personal AI copilot that transforms your documents, notes, and conversations into quotes, shareable content, and a queryable database.

Features of Heyday

  • Modern professionals rely on Heyday to generate meeting notes, extract insights from research, and draft content that draws from past reading and conversations.
  • Heyday summarizes key points and answers questions, drawing from your emails, documents, notes, conversations, and articles.
  • Heyday creates a database of your wisdom based on your conversations, emails, documents, and notes.
  • Heyday goes beyond Q&A, emailing you call notes and new content ideas, and showing you context about clients in your calendar.

How to use Heyday?

  • Give your brain a boost with Heyday's Universal Assistant, Writing Assistant, and Topic Assistant.
  • Extract insights from what you've written, read, and said with Heyday's Call Recaps feature.
  • Stop uploading transcripts into ChatGPT and let Heyday's Secure Zoom App join your conversations and generate notes with zero clicks.

Pricing of Heyday

  • Try Heyday free for 14 days with fast and easy setup, no credit card required.
  • Subscribe to Heyday's affordable products for extended benefits and access beyond the free usage limits.

Helpful Tips for using Heyday

  • Use Heyday to augment your workflow and improve your client satisfaction with minimal effort.
  • Leverage Heyday's ability to organize everything for you and quickly find what you're looking for.
  • Take advantage of Heyday's security features, including 100% confidentiality, delete-able data, and verification by Zoom and Google.

Frequently Asked Questions about Heyday

  • Is Heyday secure?
    • Yes, Heyday is 100% confidential, and your data is encrypted and can be deleted at any time.
  • Can I trust Heyday with my data?
    • Yes, Heyday has completed exhaustive security reviews conducted by Zoom and Google, and your data is safe with them.
  • How does Heyday work?
    • Heyday uses AI to transform your documents, notes, and conversations into quotes, shareable content, and a queryable database.